Learning with Yedidah Cohen
Enjoy a sample lesson given in Tsfat
Recommendations by Students
I have been a student of Yedidah Cohen’s classes on Torah and Rav Ashlag’s teachings for a few years and I look forward to them. She proceeds from references
from the stories in the Torah to their deep inner meanings expanded on in the Zohar by Rav Ashlag, to how these learnings assist us to improve our lives today. My consciousness is broadened each time I listen. I have also studied with Yedidah more advanced subjects like the Tree of Life or the Ten Sefirot and how Hashem’s sustenance is brought into our lives. Her excitement for the subjects never wanes and she inspires her students to grow along with her. Rachelle Kaufman, Naharyah, Israel |
I have been studying works of Torah and Chassidus for years getting glimpses of deeper meanings behind the references to the Ari’s Kabbalah, but finding little understanding. Without the explanation of the language of roots and branches, this has been like reading recipes for dishes and getting hints of how they may taste from descriptions and reviews. After studying the works of Rav Ashlag with Yedidah Cohen, delving into the depths of his explanations, I have found that those hints are now becoming actual tastes. Adam Johnstone, New York State
Hi, everybody!
My name is Tzila Oh and I am a student of Yedidah Cohen, my super wonderful, fantastic, and totally kind and loving teacher who I've been honored to be taught these last 2 years with her amazing book, 'A Tapestry for the Soul.' I would like to humbly express very briefly that I don't know anything, but I feel I've been really, really well taken care of. And I don't know how it works but there are miracles happening in my life, in my relationships with my dad, mom, my husband, and my children. I would very much like to see others share the same gift and joy and more and I believe this is the right place for it. And if it's for Rav. Ashlag's teachings, it's all worth it. Tzila Oh , North Carolina |
Dearest ones
My spiritual growth due to my studies with R' Yedidah Cohen has been tremendous, In depth she continues Chidushim, due to her knowledge as a result of her intense studies and research over many years, In a very wide horizon of Torah Studies . From many Mekubalim Kedoshim With gratitude to Hashem That has gifted me to be one of many of her students. With sincere blessings Solche' Ziva Gershon Dabach Dvash, Tsfat |