Nehora School Courses
Courses are open to both men and women unless otherwise stated.
A Tapestry for the Soul: the Introduction to the Zohar The Introduction to the Zohar starts off with the question, "What is our essence?", and thus deals with the essence of the soul, its relationship to the Creator and the extraordinary association with the body. A very life-enhancing work. Taught by Yedidah Cohen Suitable for all, beginners and more advanced Course is taking place currently on Sundays at 3pm Israel time, 8am Eastern time. Contact Yedidah to register payment page is here The Gateway to the Wisdom of the Kabbalah (Petichah leChochmat haKabbalah.) This is a more technical work which deals with the flow of light and vessel and the dynamics of the unfolding of the worlds. It is a challenging work, but true to its name. It provides the gateway for all subsequent studies of the Kabbalah. We will learn with the Hebrew text with translation into English. Some acquaintance with Hebrew desirable. Sundays 4:30pm Israel time, 9:30am Eastern time. Contact Yedidah to Register payment page is here Shamati: The Oral Teachings of Rabbi Ashlag Rabbi Ashlag spoke on the inner connections of the Torah to our lives directly to his pupils in the Beti Midrash. These teachings were transcribed mostly by his son Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag but also by his other students. They are treasures of the deepest wisdom. Best approached when people have arleady acquired some familiarity with the basic ideas of Rabbi Ashlag. For more advanced students. Monday 3pm Israel time, 8am Eastern time. Contact Yedidah to register payment page is here The Nature of the Human being (not offered at present time) For centuries, women were blamed for the sin of Eve. But in the Jewish tradition Eve is called "the Mother of all humankind," the sages saying that she was given greater understanding than was portioned to Adam. She ate from the Tree of Knowledge out of a sense of purpose and with a great good intention. But in practice, as we know, the world fell. Why? Was this the way it was meant to be? In the turbulent times we live in, this introduction of Rabbi Ashlag's, which deals with the nature of humankind and the forces that govern the world we live in, was never more relevant or more timely. When: Sundays 7:30am Eastern time, Israel 2:30 pm How: Skype Cost: $35 per lesson or $450 for 16 weeks All lessons recorded. Sundays 2:30 pm Israel time, 7:30am Eastern time. Contact Yedidah to register payment page is here |