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Workshop Two: The cycle of the yearRosh Hashana and the cycle of the year as we discover its meaning in the Zohar and the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag:
Rosh means head. In the Kabbalah it has the connotation of the vision. Of seeing where we want to find ourselves. The end of an action starts in its original thought. ( Sof ma'aseh b'Machashavah Techilah). The cycle of the year is also the cycle of the Shechinah., the collective soul of humanity, the indwelling Presence inside each one of us. How do we give it expression, and how do we wish to give it its space and expression in the forthcoming year? Date: August 12 2018 Time 10-11:30 EST How: Zoom Price $55 Register |
Workshop Four: It's all inside of usInsights from the traditional liturgy. So that's what it's really talking about!!
Rabbi Ashlag, the great Kabbalist, taught that every man is a world in himself. The prayers are actually guides for the soul within us to access the energies of these special days. We will be looking intently at the prayers to discover how they direct our soul through the spiritual worlds. The study of the prayers in this ways frees us to access the ancient wisdom of our Sages, who knew the pathways of the soul. Basic Hebrew reading skills are recommended for this workshop. The material we will be using will be sent to you before the workshop Date: August 26 Time: 10-11:30 EST Price $55 How: Zoom Register |